The choir of the technical university Politecnico of Turin is visiting Eindhoven! Quadrivium will welcome them in the weekend of 22-24 November to show them the city. The project is part of an exchange: Ensuite en Vokollage will make a concert trip to Turin and Munich in the summer of 2020.
PoliEtnico was founded in 2013 as a result of successful singing workshops. In the meantime the choir consists of about 120 students, teachers and researchers from the university. The choir is led by Giorgio Guiot. Over the past few years the choir has done lots of classical concerts.
The PoliEtnico will perform a concert on Sunday 24th of November at 20:00 in the concert hall Corona in Luna on the campus of the TU/e (Lampendriessen 31). Entry for this concert is free. Seats can be reserved via the link below. The program consists of various known and less known classical pieces from a variety of countries and cultures. Quadrivium is very much looking forward to this meeting of our fellow technical musicians! Will you be there too?