The 56th board of ESMG Quadrivium has the motto “Quadrivium UnloQed”. This motto refers, among other things, to the fact that we are committed to guiding the association through this Corona period. While doing this, we will break with old habits where necessary and we will take a new path by making Quadrivium greener, for example. In addition, we will work to make Quadrivium more open to international members as well as promote member loyalty in general. Finally, our motto is also about increasing the musical skills of the association. We are committed to reaching the next skill level of both individual members and the entire association.

Dionne Mahieu
As chair I am responsible for the daily management of the association. By keeping an overview and occasionally directing my fellow board members, I work hard to achieve the goals of the association.
As commissioner Ensuite I am, together with Erwin Webers, chair of the student symphony orchestra Ensuite. We are responsible for organizing the three amazing projects carried out by this orchestra.

Arend Verbeek
The secretary is, according to some, the spider in web of information. Others even call me the right-hand of the chair. Fact is I spend most of my time doing mundane organisational tasks. I write the minutes of all the meetings, I update the website, I answer the mails and I’m responsible for the member system. For both external party and members I’m the first person you contact with question.

Erwin Webers
As treasurer I am part of the daily management of the association. Within the board my job is to process all the payments and to keep them understandable. Here by I am supported by the audit committee who oversees all my actions as treasurer.
As commissioner of Ensuite, I am, together with Dionne Mahieu, chairman of student symphony orchestra Ensuite. We are responsible for organizing the three great projects performed by this orchestra.

Cas Mous
Hello, I am Cas and as the commissioner of Q’s very own wind orchestra I am responsible for everything that is going on within this wonderful group. Besides that, I spend my time with setting up and executing all kinds of creative and ambitious projects together with my committee: the AuleCie. If you would like to know more about the goings of this youthful wind orchestra, then you can ofcourse always contact me!

Iris Moraal
As commissioner of Vokollage, I am responsible for organizing three fun projects for and by the choir, and arranging everything around it.
As commissioner of piano members, I organize some nice activities and masterclasses for our piano members.

Ruben Bravo Veldhuijzen van Zanten
As commissioner of ensembles I am involved with the smaller, chamber music groups that perform under the banner of Quadrivium. My role is to make sure that the ensembles get the space to rehearse and receive coaching but also to take part at nice events. Examples of these are the ensemble day which is open for all Quadrivium members to participate in and the ensemble concert where current ensembles together create a great program.