De Verschrikkingen van het IJs en de Duisternis

Wind orchestra Auletes
29 May 2023 14:00
Kasteel Geldrop

“Terwijl in mijn fantasie de Admiraal Tegetthoff de eerste drijfijsvelden doorkruist, laat ik mij zachtjes terugzinken in het duister van de tijd en glijd ik door de eeuwen terug naar het begin van een hartstocht, naar het jaar 1872…” 

This is how the exciting story starts that is being told in the Dutch piece ‘De Verschrikkingen van het IJs en de Duisternis’. But the excitement is not only brought forth by the words, this special tale will also be told through music by Student Wind Orchestra Auletes from Eindhoven! In collaboration with storyteller Stephan Beerens, a wonderful musical tale, composed by Dutch composer Harrie Janssen, will be brought to life in the fairytale-like gardens of the Castle in Geldrop. Besides ‘De Verschrikkingen van het IJs en de Duisternis’, the trombone soloconcert ‘Colors’, composed by Dutch composer Bert Appermont, will be played. In this piece’s four parts, four different colors – yellow, red, blue, and green – are characterized in an expressive and playful way. The trombone solo will be played by Auletes’ very own first trombonist, Luuk Janssen.  

The concert will be free to visit during the national Castle Day on the 29th of May! The concert takes place at 14:00 in the castle gardens of Kasteel Geldrop, if the weather is good enough of course. In the case of an unfortunate rain shower the concert time might be subject to change, make sure to keep an eye on our socials for the latest news!