Qhristmas Qoncert

Symphony orchestra Ensuite
16 December 2023 20:00
Atlas, TU/e

Ensuite will celebrate the Christmas season with a Qhristmas Qoncert on the 16th of December. The concert will start at 20:00 and will be held at the TU/e WinTU/er Village in the Atlas building. This will give the concert a super cozy and Christmassy atmosphere.

Ensuite will play classic Christmas pieces, like A Christmas Festival from Leroy Anderson and The Polar Express Suite arranged by Jerry Brubacker. Not only that, Ensuite will also play A Carol Symphony by Victor Hely-Hutchinson and A Christmas Overture arranged by Sydney Baynes. Of course, some pieces of the Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky will also be played!

Altogether, this is the perfect recipe for a cozy Christmas concert to start the Holiday season with. Don’t hesitate to come and celebrate the Holidays with Ensuite!

You can order tickets for only the concert of Ensuite, but you can also order a dual ticket. This dual ticket also gives you the opportunity to visit the concert of Vokollage on the 9th of December for a reduced price!