As the only student symphony orchestra of the region, Ensuite aims to bring musicians of all skill levels together to play classical music of high quality. In the last few years Ensuite has played many different pieces, styles and projects; from Schuberts 8th symphony to a concert with some of the most beautiful film music, highlights of the works of Czech composers, famous music from the James Bond movies, and a music theatre production in collaboration with student theatre association Doppio.

Ensuite is not only a fast-growing orchestra. It is also a very warm and friendly group of people who enjoy spending time together, both during the rehearsals and outside of the regular rehearsal hours. Our conductor, Bart Partouns, can also be found at the bar regularly. Everybody is welcome to join our orchestra, but we are especially looking for oboe players, double bass players, bassoonists and horn players. If you are interested, don’t hesitate to drop by!
Symphony orchestra Ensuite rehearses on Wednesdays from 19:30 until about 22:15 in the Luna building on the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology.
More info?
For more information about Ensuite, you can always mail to